It’s Time to Stop Hiding Behind “I’m Fine”

When someone asks how I’m doing, my go-to response is usually “I’m fine,” even when I’m far from it.

I bet you a Birkin bag that you do this too sis. (ok not a Birkin bag, but I KNOW you can relate).

For a long time, that was my reality. Even with an amazing circle of friends, I never felt like I could talk about my depression. I spent most of my life wearing the mask of the Strong Black Woman, keeping up appearances like I could handle anything. Good grades, good jobs, a silly personality—that was the face I showed to the world.

But the truth? Stopping myself from committing suicide was a daily battle. Pretending I had it all together when I was falling apart inside led to some dark places. It eventually caught up with me, and I found myself in the psych ward. Not once. Not twice. But five times.

My mental health journey has been full of challenges—misdiagnoses, overmedication, and being under-treated. Because of this, I searched high and low for a support group specifically for Black women, but surprise, surprise I couldn’t find one. So, I created one.

Why the Strong Black Woman Support Group?
Black women face mental and emotional health challenges that are deeply rooted in our unique experiences—society, family, culture, and race all play a part. The Strong Black Woman trope tells us we have to be everything for everyone, while never allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, ask for help, or even acknowledge our struggles.

That’s why I started Mindful + Melanated, a community for us to address our unique mental health needs. And the Strong Black Woman Support Group is part of that mission. It’s a space for Black women to come together, be authentic, and finally say, “I’m not okay, and I need support.”

I’m proud to say that this community offers so much, such as:

Real Conversations: We talk about the things that matter—how the Strong Black Woman myth is hurting us, how to prioritize our mental wellness, and how to heal. No more pretending. This is a space for real talk and real healing.

Community & Sisterhood: You’re not alone. Our support groups, social events, and access to Black women clinicians offer a space where you can find connection and understanding. It’s about being seen, heard, and supported by women who get it.

Empowerment Through Action: Every October, we gather at the Strong Black Woman Redefined conference: a space created for Black women to say, “I’m not fine,” and get the help they need to take care of themselves.

If you’ve been looking for a community like Mindful + Melanated and the Strong Black Woman Support Group, I encourage you to join us…but only if you are ready.

This isn’t about a quick fix or checking off a self-care box. The Strong Black Woman Support Group is here for Black women who are ready to make an intentional investment in their mental wellness. It’s about showing up for yourself in the same way you show up for everyone else. If you’re ready to be serious about prioritizing your mental health and putting in the work, we’re here for you.

But if you’re not quite ready to make that commitment yet, that’s okay too. No judgement. You can still be a part of the journey by subscribing to our YouTube channel, where we house the Strong Black Woman Support Group podcast. You’ll find conversations that can help you start thinking about what YOU need for YOUR OWN mental wellness.

Join Us When You’re Ready
When you’re ready to invest in yourself and your mental health, we’ll be here. Click here to join the Strong Black Woman Support Group and take that first step toward reclaiming your wellness. And if now isn’t the time, subscribe to the YouTube channel, listen in, and take what resonates. Either way, know that you’re not alone in this journey.

Take care of yourself, sis. You deserve it.

Take care + Be well,
Regina Renaye
A Recovering Strong Black Woman

Mental wellness is an ever evolving, courageous journey that is yours and yours alone. Own it.

- Regina Renaye

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