Our Story

About Mindful + Melanated and our Sister Circle

Welcome to Mindful + Melanated, a vibrant community committed to the mental wellness and empowerment of Black women. Our Sister Circle is more than just a group; it’s a movement of resilient women who are redefining strength on their own terms. Here, you’ll find a sanctuary where you can be your true self, surrounded by others who understand the journey.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster a nurturing space that promotes mental health and holistic wellness specifically tailored to the unique experiences of Black women. We believe in creating environments where our members can pursue healing, growth, and personal development, all while being supported by a community that champions their well-being.

Our Vision

We envision a world where Black women are fully empowered to take charge of their mental health without stigma or reservation. Through advocacy, education, and direct support, we strive to dismantle barriers to mental wellness and encourage a life of fulfillment and joy.

Our Values

Community: At the heart of Mindful + Melanated is our commitment to building strong, supportive relationships among our members. We believe in the power of community to uplift, heal, and inspire.

Authenticity: We encourage all members to show up as they are, embracing their full selves without fear of judgment. Our Sister Circle thrives on honesty and genuine connections.

Resilience: Rooted in the rich history of Black women’s resilience, we draw on our collective strength to face challenges and embrace opportunities for growth.

Empowerment: We empower our members through education, resources, and support, ensuring they have the tools to succeed in every area of their lives.

Join Our Sister Circle

If you’re a Black woman looking to connect with a supportive community that understands your experiences, Mindful + Melanated is here for you. Join us as we learn, grow, and thrive together. Explore our programs, attend our events, and become part of a healing circle that cherishes your wellbeing and celebrates your every victory.

Ready to redefine strength with us? Join our Sister Circle today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Regina Kinney Signature

Regina Renaye aka Regina Thee Mindfulnista

Founder  |  Mindful+Melanated

Meet Our Founder

I have suffered from chronic clinical depression since the age of 12. As a child, I did not know how to manage my depression – in fact I didn’t even know what depression was. As an adult, none of the Black women in my circle (openly) dealt with mental health issues. For a long time I felt alone. There was no one I could talk to who could relate to my experience with mental health issues. Because of this, I went on a quest to find a local peer support group for Black women. Nothing turned up in my search so I tried to find an online peer group. Again, my search was in vain. I couldn’t find one, I created one. Because Black women have unique issues surrounding mental health and wellness, we need a safe space specifically for us. That is why I founded Mindful + Melanated.

"Black girl magic is real, but I am still human."

-Regina "The Mindfulnista" Renaye
Founder of Mindful + Melanated

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